News & opinion Planning a Holiday Road Trip? Watch out for the “No Zones” around Large Trucks

Planning a Holiday Road Trip? Watch out for the “No Zones” around Large Trucks

Truck Accident Lawyer in Houston

According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics1 (BTS), approximately 91 percent of long-distance holiday travel is accomplished through the use of a personal vehicle. Driving your car or truck to go visit family and friends can be cheaper than flying and also allows you to avoid the lines and overall unpleasantness that can often accompany air travel. Unfortunately, it can also expose you to a risk of serious injury.

One of the most serious risks of injury that is associated with long-distance road trips comes from the fact that driving on the highway or interstate often involves driving in close proximity with large commercial trucks such as semis or big rigs. These vehicles often weigh 20 or 30 times as much as passenger vehicles and are capable of causing serious damage when they are involved in accidents.

Fortunately, there are ways that drivers can reduce their risk of being involved in an accident with a large truck, including being aware of (and staying out of) a truck’s “No Zones.” The Texas Department of Transportation defines2 a truck’s No Zones as danger areas around the vehicle where accidents are more likely to occur. These areas exist due to large trucks’ size and are blind spots in which truck drivers are unable to see other cars around them. These areas include the following:

  • Just behind the truck’s cab on the driver’s side
  • To the right of the truck’s trailer
  • The area directly in front of the truck’s cab
  • The area directly behind the truck’s trailer

By staying out of these areas, you can ensure that truck drivers see you and do not make maneuvers that could cause a collision. In the event that you are involved in an accident with a truck, you should be sure to have your case reviewed by an attorney to determine whether you have a legal claim.

Call a Houston Semi Crash Lawyer Today

If you are injured in an accident involving a large truck, you should contact an attorney as soon as possible. Stewart J. Guss is an experienced truck accident lawyer who knows how to get his clients the compensation they deserve. To learn more about how we can help you, call our office today at 800-898-4877 or contact us online.

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