Anytime you encounter a speeding a driver, you have a reason for concern, because speeding causes a serious threat to every other vehicle on the road. When a truck driver speeds, however, the situation becomes even more dangerous. More often than not, trucks are the largest and heaviest vehicles on the road, and a collision can result in a fatality or a life-threatening injury. When they speed, truckers magnify not only the likelihood of an accident, but the damage they can cause.
Don’t let a reckless truck driver get away with harming you or your family! If a speeding trucker injured you, Stewart J. Guss and his team of truck accident lawyers are dedicated to getting you the justice you deserve. We are available to take your call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so don’t delay—pick up the phone and learn how we can help! We offer a free consultation for all new clients, so call us now at 800-898-4877, or contact us now by CLICKING HERE.
National Trucking Accident Attorney Stewart J. Guss discusses trucking safety on national news with Mike Papantonio on America’s Lawyer
The Department of Transportation Regulations on Speeding
Like other smaller vehicles on the road, a truck driver might speed for a variety of reasons. Some are frustrated after sitting in traffic, while others are simply in a hurry to get to their destination and give little thought to breaking the law by speeding. While driving next to a speeding car can be an annoyance, driving next to a speeding truck is a completely different situation, and might result in a serious accident.
For this reason, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has issued regulations to keep trucks from driving too fast in dangerous conditions. This means that in certain situations, trucks are required to slow down, often driving below the posted speed limit, in order to stay safe on the road. There are five suggested scenarios in which a truck driver is advised to exercise extreme caution and to slow their speed.
- When entering a curve in the road.
- When driving through a construction or work zone.
- When driving with a trailer that is fully loaded.
- When the weather creates dangerous road conditions.
- When pulling on or off of an exit ramp.
By listing these five dangerous situations, the FMSCA establishes specific scenarios in which trucks should practice extra precaution and drive at a slower speed. The goal is to reduce truck accidents by educating drivers to always drive within a reasonable standard for the situation.
How a Law Firm Can Help After a Truck Accident
After a truck accident, many people feel confused and overwhelmed by the claims process. Between speaking with doctors, insurance agents, and trying to rearrange your schedule to accommodate your injuries, the time period after an accident can be difficult. Stewart J. Guss and his team of attorneys and legal professionals will guide you through the entire legal process so that you can focus on recovering from your injuries. We can help with:
- Speaking directly to the insurance companies so you don’t have to – It’s fairly standard for you to receive a call from the insurance agent working your claim after an accident. While these might seem like friendly phone calls, with well-intentioned claims adjusters who appear concerned about your recovery time, redirect all communication to your law firm. Many times, insurance companies will attempt to get you to provide a verbal statement accounting your version of what happened with the accident. Any contradictory statements can be used to hurt the validity of your claim. For this reason, we advise our clients to let us speak with the insurance companies so you don’t have to.
- Helping to outline your economic and non-economic damages – One of the most important pieces of your case will be to determine the total value of your damages. We will help to put together a comprehensive list of both economic and non-economic losses that represents the true financial value of your claim. This can be instrumental in keeping you out of debt and allowing you to pay for all of your expenses after a serious accident.
- Working with medical experts to identify your potential future expenses – determining your future medical expenses can be one of the greatest challenges in a truck accident case. At our firm, Stewart J. Guss and his legal team work with medical experts who can fully assess your situation and help to outline your potential long-term medical expenses. Retaining an outside medical expert can help show the insurance companies that you are looking at a long road of recovery, and will need the financial support to cover your expenses.
- Filing all necessary paperwork on time – When you’re focused on recovering from injuries sustained in an accident, managing the details of your claim is best handled by an experienced law firm. We will make sure to file all required paperwork on time so you can take one more thing off your plate.
- Advising you and keeping you up to date on the status of your claim – For those who have never worked through an accident case with a law firm before, the process can feel daunting and confusing. We work to make sure all of our clients feel like they understand every step of the process, and we welcome your calls and questions.
Call a Skilled Speeding Truck Law Firm Right Away
A truck accident can inflict one of the most traumatizing experiences imaginable. When you’re injured in a truck accident because the driver was speeding, the situation feels that much worse.
If you suffered injuries in a truck accident, protect your rights. You may feel tempted to put the past behind you quickly and accept the first settlement package the insurance company offers. Many times, people are left with a huge financial burden when they attempt to settle without an experienced legal team.
At our firm, Stewart J. Guss and his experienced legal team have worked with truck accident victims for more than 20 years. We are dedicated to supporting our clients right to just compensation. We offer a free consultation, and because we take all of our personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, you will not owe us a DIME unless we win your case.
Call us today to learn more about how we can help! You can reach us 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling 800-898-4877 or contacting us online. Don’t delay! Your rights are too important to set aside. We are ready to fight for a fair settlement or verdict on your behalf.